Professional Development

Accredited Schools Online's Educational Paths to Caring Careers - A guidebook on the different types of Nursing degrees you can earn and their career paths, as well as what you should look for when applying to Nursing schools.

Accredited School Online's Guidebook to Funding Your Nursing Education - Expert-driven guidebook with an extensive list of scholarships and resources to help nursing students pay for school, including information on applying for grants, the Yellow Ribbon program, and other loan forgiveness resources.

American Nurses Association - The American Nursing Association works to promote high standards in the nursing practice and the rights of nurses in the workplace. You can find a variety of resources on professional development and topics such as ethics and advocacy. Nursing students may be eligible to join at a discount or even free.

The Florence Nightingale Digitization Project - Provided by BU's Howard Gotlieb Archival Center, view a database filled with letters handwritten or narrated by Florence Nightingale.

The Howard Gotlieb Archival Center - Check out the History of Nursing at BU's Howard Gotlieb Archival Center.

National Student Nurses Association - Resources on professional development, as well as links to scholarships and other discounts/benefits for members. - A blog with information on career advancement and "nurse survival tips" such as staying healthy as a nurse, dealing with difficult patients, and nursing as an introvert. Simmons College's very own Professor Berube was quoted in an article on how to deal with difficult patients.

Oncology Nursing Society - For those interested in Oncology and cancer care.

Accredited Schools Online's Guidebook to Funding Your Nursing School Education - Expert-driven guide including an extensive list of scholarships and resources to help nursing students pay for school. Includes information on applying for grants, the Yellow Ribbon Program, and other loan forgiveness programs.
Accredited Schools Online's Guidebook to Funding Your Nursing School Education - Expert-driven guide including an extensive list of scholarships and resources to help nursing students pay for school. Includes information on applying for grants, the Yellow Ribbon Program, and other loan forgiveness programs.
Accredited Schools Online's Guidebook to Funding Your Nursing School Education - Expert-driven guide including an extensive list of scholarships and resources to help nursing students pay for school. Includes information on applying for grants, the Yellow Ribbon Program, and other loan forgiveness programs.